Saturday, 2 February 2013

20 Random facts about me!

I thought this post would be something different as I haven't really done anything lifestyle wise or anything really just about me! I saw this on Celene's blog and thought It would be interesting to do this on my own blog as I don't think my readers know much about me! So here goes...

I want to have a job in hair dressing!
I'm really self conscious.
I hate wearing my hair down unless it's been straightened.
I'm in a long distance relationship and happy.
I have a older brother and a younger sister.
I don't really have a social life! 
I only have one friend that I can trust.
I enjoy reading.
I'm obsessed with One direction.
None of my closest friends know about my blog!
I cry way too easily and way too much!
I worry about everything!
I've dyed my hair a lot.
I hated school and hardly went. Regret that now.
I have a girl crush on Taylor Swift.
I care too much about people that hurt me.
I don't live with my dad and hardly see him.
I have an obsession with candles.
I care what people think of me too much.
I'm really shy but once you get to know me I'm actually quite weird.

Hope you enjoyed this post as it's different! Let me know if you would like to see more posts like this. 


Thank you for all your lovely comments , I read them all and appreciate that everyone has taken the time to read my blog! xx