Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Just some nail art 001

Okay so as you might know I love painting my nails all the time, what you might not have known is that I love doing nail art in my spare time which I have quite a lot of since I made a stupid mistake and didn't apply for college for various personal reasons but lets not get in to that on here. After my cupcake nail post got a lot of great and positive comments! I  thought now was a great time to show you some of the other nail art I've done.

Now  I know I'm not the best at nail art but if you want any tutorial posts on how to do any of these then please just let me know I will be more than happy do them for you. I'm sorry these pictures aren't the best quality but its the best I can do at the moment.

Really hope you enjoyed this post let me know what you think and if you want tutorials.


  1. Replies
    1. thankyou! Im really thinking about doing a tutorial for it, alot of people have said they love it and want to know how to do it so xx


Thank you for all your lovely comments , I read them all and appreciate that everyone has taken the time to read my blog! xx